Scoop Models and Won Hundred collaborated for the second year in a row with Amnesty to create a pride T-shirt, which should focus on how dangerous it still is to be an LGBTI person in many places in the world. The T-shirt was also a great success this year and was worn by many participants at Copenhagen Pride in August. So the partners have chosen to continue the collaboration in 2019.

"It is a great pleasure for us to see how the LOVE IS NOT A CRIME concept has grown in just two years. It is a matter that is very close to my heart. We have started the development of ideas for the collaboration for 2019 and are very much looking forward to it. Hopefully, even more people will support LOVE IS NOT A CRIME", says founder of Won Hundred, Nikolaj Nielsen.

Creative Director at Scoop Models, Sune Palner, adds:

"With LOVE IS NOT A CRIME, we hope to reach a wide audience and draw attention to the issues that LGBTI people struggle with on a daily basis around the world. We are proud that LOVE IS NOT A CRIME reaches far beyond the Danish borders, and that we can make a small difference.”

the campaign

While India in the autumn took a step in a positive direction and lifted the ban on homosexual sex, countries close to Denmark, such as Lithuania, are heading in the opposite direction, as they still have a law that prohibits so-called "homosexual propaganda to children".

"With this collaboration, we want to focus on the fact that Copenhagen Pride - and prides in general - is something and more than a party, colors and celebration of diversity. To a large extent, it is also a struggle to obtain and retain rights – rights that are not a matter of course for LGBTI people in many places in the world", says senior adviser at Amnesty, Helle Jacobsen.

The profit from the T-shirt campaign therefore goes, among other things, to the Lithuanian LGBTI organization Lithuanian Gay League, which is experiencing great opposition and was recently the victim of an arson attack.