In 2019, Scoop Models, Won Hundred and Amnesty International joined forces to launch a t-shirt to focus on how dangerous it was to be an LGBTI+ person in many parts of the world. Being an LGBTI+ person in several parts of the world was still fatal.

In eight countries, including Iran, Sudan and Saudi Arabia, one was at risk of death penalty for having sex with a person of the same sex, while a long list of countries still punished homosexuality with everything from fines to imprisonment.

Countries such as Chechnya and Uganda were notorious for their systematic persecution of LGBTI+ people, but also in Europe, there were still problems. For example, Lithuania had a law banning so-called "gay propaganda for children" with the argument that it was "an attack on traditional family values". For example, the law was used to prevent LGBTI+ organizations from carrying out information work.

the campaign

The campaign was shot by the London-based photographer Greg Lin Jiajie. His work appeared on VOGUE, I-D GQ, and many more. Talented Kevin Pfaff did art direction and set design and worked closely with Sune Palner, who was the creative director of the project. Together, they developed the concept of a demonstration fighting for LGBTI+ rights.

Maya Paustian, Gitte Guldhammer, and Stine Rasmussen did amazing styling and hair and makeup in a way that showed the models' personalities while finding their inner riots. All of this took place at the Copenhagen-based studio, The Lab. All film and Instagram sessions were shot by Peter Vintergaard.

"We have chosen to continue the success with the slogan Love Is Not a Crime, as we only want to spread it. This year we have chosen to emphasize the slogan by portraying the activist message we believe the t-shirt has. ”

 Nikolaj Nielsen, Creative director Won Hundred

"We at Scoop Models, are fighting for more diversity, which always shines through in the talents we represent. This year we have gathered a team of our models, each representing a form of diversity and the floating gender, for the campaign."

Sune Palner, Creative director Scoop Models.

Models: Brian Kamara, Vincent Beier, Clara Thorndahl, Fryd Resting, Louie Frandsen, William Valente, Ellen Ryberg & Ezra Shami

THE t-shirt

THE event

the parade